Transplanting A Rambling Rose

New home!

New home!

Eventually, I will learn to take Before photos. Anyway, my backyard is half of a larger backyard, and the part behind mine isn’t used or gardened by the other tenants. In the distant past, someone planted a rambling rose back there.  IN ITS POT!  Poor thing.  They also planted it too far from the fence, so it was left trying to stand up on its own.

I didn’t even know it was a climber until one year, I took pity on the bedraggled thing and pruned it, and it burst to life.

So, yesterday I dug it up. Easier than most roses, because it was STILL IN ITS POT! Its longest cane was a good 10 feet, despite the pot. I pruned it out pretty well, took about 3 feet off the long one, and cleaned out the middle where the canes were all crossed and tangled. It had managed to punch one major root through the bottom of the pot, which I had to cut.

With all the cutting at both ends, I hope I didn’t kill it.  The attached photo is how it looks 36 hours after surgery.

I put it into a nice new spot, in the corner of two fences – with the exact same exposure it has before. I put some bone meal into the hole, and watered it well. Fingers crossed! I hope it thrives now that its roots are free.

Unrelated – I can’t say the phrase “white rose” without remembering the awesome store of the same name that you used to find around Toronto. Wikipedia tells me that they got gobbled up by Michaels. But White Rose was way cooler – they had craft stuff, and hobby stuff and garden stuff.