Spring Temptation

Stomp Stones

Grass needs work but Stomp Stones fool everyone.

Last weekend’s beautiful weather here in Toronto drew me outside to tidy my yard and edge my garden. Funny how “edging” turns into “expanding”.

Definite survivors from last season’s garden (my first ever) are:

Probable survivors include my Pink Beauty Potentilla. I haven’t given up on my other two hostas, nor my Black Knight Butterfly bush.

I found something fantastic at the Canadian Tire on Lakeshore – fake stepping stones that you just stomp on to put in place.  They’re pretty convincing, they’re cheap, and I can carry eight of them in a shopping bag. Try doing that with stone. Clearly, stone would be nice, but there’s only so much that you want to do when you rent your space. I can’t find the pavers at Canadian Tire’s site – but here is their website: Stomp Stone. (Don’t be fooled, they don’t cut through grass well). A little moss and some wishful thinking, and I have high hopes for them blending in.

Anyway, I restrained myself to stepping stones and bird feeders.  But I can’t wait to start planting. Soon!